Relay module sainsmart pdf 2 channel

When you set a gpio pin to low your relay should click on and the indicator led should light up. What i want to do is hook up a basic night light as the first channel output from the ssr and control it. The arduino relay module is designed for a wide range for micro controllers such as the arduino board, avr, pic, arm, with digital outputs. I have used anqstar code and it works with the self test but i can not get vixen v2 or v3 to work with it. Is there someone who can show me how to correctly wire my sainsmart board to my duemilanove. If you want a reversal then invert the arduino outputs. Handson technology user guide 8 channel 5v optical isolated relay module this is a low level 5v 8 channel relay interface board, and each channel needs a 1520ma. Below is a link to the pdf explaining the layout of the sainsmart relay board.

Standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller arduino, 8051, avr, pic, dsp, arm, arm, msp430, ttl logic active low. Description 8 channel relay board is a simple and convenient way to interface 8 relays for switching application in your project. Vcc and com pin is connected to the 5v power supply, gnd pin is connected to the gnd, in1 and in2 pins are connected to the digital io pin. Files 3 sainsmart 2 channel relay module sainsmart 2 channel relay module loading. Handson technology open source electronics platform.

The arduino is pumped data from the vixen software running on a pc. Ease of use and wider operating system compatibility are the primary goals behind this products design. Omron 5v 2channel relay interface board, and each one needs 1520ma driver current equiped with highcurrent relay, ac250v 10a. It does so by providing four relays that are rated for 7a at either 28vdc or 10a at 125vac. You could use your own 16 channel relay or buy the sainsmart 16 channels relay from our store. Guide for relay module with arduino random nerd tutorials. It is equipped with highcurrent relays that work under ac250v 10a or dc30v 10a. Numato labs 16 channel usb relay module is a great product for controlling electrical and electronic devices remotely from a pc or mobile device over usb link. This is usb controlled relay module with 8 relays srd12vdcslc. Easy interface with microcontrollers based projects and analog circuits. This shows that of the three contacts associated with each relay, the center one is the common connection, one of the others is a normallyopen contact, and the third is normallyclosed. The relay module allows a wide range of microcontrollers such as arduino, avr, pic, arm with digital outputs to control larger loads and devices like ac or dc motors, electromagnets, solenoids, and incandescent light bulbs. This is a 5v 8channel relay module, it can be controlled directly by a wide range of microcontrollers such as arduino, avr, pic, arm and msp430. Sainsmart 2channel 5v relay arduino raspberry pi introduction the arduino relay module allows a wide range of microcontroller such as arduino, raspberry pi, avr,pic, arm with digital outputs to control larger loads and devices like ac or dc motors, electromagnets, solenoids, and incandescent light bulbs.

Standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller. Sainsmart relay output wiring electrical engineering. Home brew lighting system arduino mega sainsmart 16. This is a 5v 8 channel relay interface board, be able to control various appliances and other. Sainsmart network web server 16 channels relay ethernet. Sainsmart 8channel 12 v usb relay board module controller. Introduction the item is a 5v 1channel relay interface board,it can be controlled directly by a wide range of microcontrollers. Handson technology user guide 8 channel 5v optical isolated relay module this is a low level 5v 8channel relay interface board, and each channel needs a 1520ma. Each relay has a normally open no and a normally closed nc contact. This project is a general purpose 8 channel relay board. I have purchased a sainsmart 16 channel controller usb hid programmable control relay module to control the corresponding 16 channel relay board the source code provided is quite terrible, but included was an cmd line program that works quite well to control the relays. Dc30v 10a standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller arduino, 8051, avr, pic, dsp, arm, arm, msp430, ttl. Control up to 8 devices via usb port using vcp virtual com port.

Discontinued omron 2channel 5v optocoupler relay module. Built in usb to serial conversion allows the module to be used without any usb specific knowledge. It may help you building projects like robotics and home automation. It has been a while since i have wired up electronics and really do not want to break my arduino duemilanove or my new saunsmart relay board. Can someone help please i am running out of time and brains. Each 5v relay need 20ma driving current 5v ttl control input which can be directly controlled by arduino, avr, pic, arm and others. Connect the components based on the figure shown in the wiring diagram using pin connectors. Sainsmart 2channel 5v relay module this is a 5v 2channel relay interface board, be able to control various appliances, and other equipments with large current. It can be controlled directly by microcontroller raspberry pi, arduino, 8051, avr, pic, dsp, arm, arm, msp430, ttl logic. Driving a sainsmart relay with raspberry pi example.

Sainsmart 8channel relay module 5v 8channel relay interface board, and each one needs 1520ma driver current. I am new to this, i have a sainsmart mega 2560 and two 5volt 16 channel standard relay boards model 7034. Sainsmart 16 channel relay module demo by two demo. Relay module arduino, robotics, raspberry pi, esp8266. Sainsmart 4channel 5v relay module 5v 4channel relay interface board, and each one needs 1520ma driver current equiped with highcurrent relay, ac250v 10a. Ive been playing around with a raspberry pi model b, and am looking to hook up a 2 prong extension cable to a sainsmart 8 channel solid state relay. Disappointing because now i am waiting for an email response from sainsmart just sent 30 minutes ago hoping they supply me with documentation. Ive tied the grounds together, and apply 12v dc to the relay board. The gpio pin 5 is toggled using python, but the relay doesnt change states it stays on regardless of pin state unless i remove the signal. It has sixteen onboard 12v 24v dc relays that can switch up to 10a load.

The relays are controlled by usb capable microchip pic microcontroller pic18f65j50 and come with builtin firmware that supports simple commands to control relays and read relay status. The six pins on the left side of the relay module connect high voltage, and the pins on the right side connect the component that requires low voltagethe arduino pins. The following figure shows the relay module pinout. More information and instructions can be found on my blog. There is a schematic available as one of the product photos on the page you linked. Two 2 channel relay module with optocoupler for pic avr dsp arm arduino 5v. This means the transistor is also turned off so there is no voltage across the relay hence the relay is deenergised.

Youtube play list for the project videos the arduino code building one of those systems to control christmas lights and sync them with music. You may use it for simple onoff switching electrical devices home lights, dc motors, solenodis and others. Wiring duemilanove to sainsmart 16channel 12v relay. Sainsmart 2channel 5v relay module for arduino dsp avr pic arm.

Sainsmart 2 channel relay module files 3d cad model. This instructable is for connecting your arduino to a 2 channel relay module and using your sketch to control the switches. Relay in1, in2 should be connected to sainsmart uno2560 pins 8, 9. Dc30v 12a standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller arduino, 8051, avr, pic, dsp, arm, arm, msp433, ttl logic. Banggood16 relay trigger 12v lm2596 power control module with optocoupler protection by unboxing. From your controller eg arduino or raspberry pi connect ground 0v to the relay modules gnd and power to the modules vcc.

There are 8 rela ys each capable of switching 12vdc15a or 240vac10a. Sainsmart 12v 4 channel usb relay automation module for. Sainsmart 2 channel relay module 3d cad model library. Numatos urmc16 16 channel usb relay module provides exceptional value for money. This is a 5v 8channel relay interface board, be able to control various appliances, and other equipments with large current. This relay module allows you to combine the processing power of the arduino to devices that use higher current and voltage.

The project uses an arduino mega 2560, a sainsmart 16channel 12v relay module and the vixen software package. Standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller arduino, 8051, avr, pic, dsp, arm, arm, msp430, ttl logic. Sainsmart 2 channel 5v solid state relay module board. The relays specs are 10a 250vac, 10a 125vac, 10a 30vdc, 10a 28vdc. You may need a voltage regulator andor an optoisolatormosfet to drive the 5v module. Each relay has an led to indicate when it is oper ated. Check here for all the further information relating to this video. Sainsmart 8channel 5v relay module for arduino dsp avr pic arm sku. Dc30v 10a standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller arduino, 8051, avr, pic, dsp, arm, arm, msp430, ttl logic indication leds for relay output status. Im trying to drive the 16 channel sainsmart relay board from a raspberry pi. Dc30v 10a standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller arduino, 8051, avr, pic, dsp, arm, arm, msp430, ttl logic. Vcc, connected to the 5v current on the arduino board, gnd, connected to the ground and 2 digital inputs. You may use it with our software drm softwaruniversal software for all our relay boards. Omron ssr avr dsp arduino send to a friend short description.

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